KENPO, FITNESS, AND YOU: Your well-being is our main concern. 

As a karate student, you know that staying fit is an essential part of your martial arts practice. But how can you keep in shape when you’re not training at the dojo? This blog discusses how to keep karate fit after hours and other physical activities that go well with Kenpo Karate. We’ll also examine whether or not it’s a good idea to study at different karate schools at once.


Staying fit after hours

If you want to stay in shape outside of class time, there are several activities that you can do on your own or with friends. Here are some ideas for activities that will help keep you fit after hours. Before starting, please review them with your personal trainer, pediatrician, or medical practitioner.


★ Running – Running is one of the best ways to stay in shape. Not only does it increase your stamina and endurance, but it also helps strengthen your leg muscles and improve your cardiovascular health. Plus, it’s easy to do anywhere! All you need is a pair of running shoes and an open area.


★ Yoga – Yoga is ideal for those looking to increase flexibility and muscle tone without overworking their body. It also helps promote balance, flexibility, and focus. Many types of yoga classes are available, so you’re sure to find one that suits your needs.


★ Swimming – Swimming is another excellent way to stay active while having fun. It’s a low-impact exercise, so it is easy on your joints. Swimming is also an excellent full-body workout, as it works on all the major muscle groups and can improve your overall fitness level. Plus, it’s a great way to cool off during a hot summer day.


★ Weight Training – Weight training can be done with free weights or machines to build muscle mass and strength. Make sure that you have a proper form before lifting any heavy weights so as not to injure yourself. Start slow with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight over time as you become more comfortable with the movements. !! weight training of any kind should be monitored and undertaken only at certain ages. Please consult your sensei for recommended personal trainers or reputable facilities to attend !!


Starting young can be fun.

Young toddlers and kids can maintain and workout with an understanding of the significance behind the importance of developing their hand-eye coordination by utilizing the following:


  • stretches
  • tumbling
  • balance
  • stamina 


These are all essential skills that will benefit them not just in sports but also in their overall physical development.


To help kids improve their hand-eye coordination, drills like catch and throw with a partner or ball-bouncing games can be incredibly helpful. 


Stretches to improve flexibility can include lunges, toe touches, and arm stretches. 


Tumbling drills can range from forward rolls to cartwheels, which help kids learn to control their body movements. 


Work on balance can be done using a balance beam, board, or simple balance challenges such as standing on one foot. 


Finally, activities such as running, jogging, and jumping jacks can be incorporated into a training regimen to develop stamina. 


By utilizing these exercises, coaches, and parents can help kids gain valuable skills in a fun and engaging way.


As time goes by: Other physical activities that go well with Kenpo karate

In addition to the activities mentioned above, several other physical activities work well with Kenpo Karate, such as age-progressive kickboxing, agility drills (e.g., ladder drills), stretching exercises (e.g., tai chi, especially for seniors or physically limited studies), plyometrics (e.g., box jumps), martial arts drilling (e.g., shadow boxing), core strengthening exercises (e.g., planks), circuit training (e.g., burpees). These activities will help improve coordination, speed, power, agility, and flexibility – all important characteristics for successful kenpo karate practitioners.


Is It Good To Study At Different Karate Schools At Once?

The short answer is no, yes, and maybe.

1) Generally, it is not recommended for students who are just starting their martial arts journey or those who have been practicing for a limited time frame because there is still room for improvement in their techniques and skill sets. 

  • Studying at multiple schools simultaneously may cause confusion because each school may teach slightly different techniques or approaches, leading students down a path of inefficient learning due to conflicting information being presented from each school’s perspective leading them away from true mastery of the art itself. 
  • Additionally, if students choose different schools located far from each other, they may need additional time commuting between locations instead of focusing solely on their training. 
  • For those reasons, it’s generally best for beginners looking for dedicated development within one style/school of martial arts.


2) The mid-range maybe sector can be beneficial for studying at multiple martial arts schools as long as you approach it correctly. 

  • First, it’s important to find schools that teach different styles of martial arts so that you can gain exposure to other techniques and approaches. 
  • Second, make sure the schools you choose are reputable—it pays to research before committing to any particular school. 
  • Finally, always ensure that you give each school adequate attention; try not to spread yourself too thin by attempting to learn from too many places at once.


3) The road to mastering the art or pursuing a degree in martial arts, such as Kenpo Karate, studying at multiple schools, is a great way to gain knowledge from different instructors and learn more about different styles of the same art form in this case, Kenpo. In other words, try when at all possible to stick to one style of martial arts when opting to try alternate academies of high reputable standards. 

  • Many experts recommend studying at two separate schools so that you can experience different teaching methods and approaches, which may further develop your skillset as an aspiring martial artist, but as mentioned above, we prefer to keep to one style and not consider cross-training until after you achieve your black belt in Kenpo because of the sheer number and diversity of basics, sets, forms and techniques that are practiced and taught differently in different schools. To keep the student from potentially mixing them up, it’s only once the student earns their black belt and has mastered all of those basics, sets, forms, and techniques and has them ingrained into their muscle memory should they consider cross-training into the school of Kenpo style.
  • However, ensure that all schools or training programs and sessions have qualified instructors with valid certifications; otherwise, it won’t be worth your time or money!


Diet & exercise

A healthy diet and regular exercise routine are essential for any athlete, especially those practicing martial arts such as Kenpo karate. Eating a balanced diet can help fuel your body for the tough workouts that come with karate practice. 

And while it’s important to get adequate amounts of protein and other nutrients, don’t forget about carbohydrates, and as always, PLEASE NOTE: This advice is a non-medically monitored tip, so please, consult your physician or dietician before undertaking any form of suggested food intake. 

Carbs provide energy that helps keep going during long practices or tournaments. Hydrate before, during, and after, and always include equal amounts of warm-up and cool-down time. 


In conclusion, there are numerous ways to stay fit with Kenpo karate, regardless of whether or not you have access to a dojo. With just a bit of creativity and research, you can find activities that complement your existing practice while also helping to keep your body healthy and strong. Additionally, if you decide to study at multiple martial arts schools simultaneously, make sure it’s done wisely and mindfully so that each school gets the attention it deserves. Keeping fit after hours is essential for any athlete, especially those practicing Kenpo Karate. A healthy diet and regular exercise will help keep your body in peak condition while providing the energy and balance required during long practices or tournaments.