Harnessing the Power 

Harnessing the Power of Kenpo for Your Child’s Future

Family Martial Art Center Fitchburg, MA Twin City area provides a safe and supportive place for children of all ages to grow through physical and mental development activities. The center offers world-class Martial Arts instruction and is the perfect haven for children who may face bigger challenges in life. 

By participating in numerous classes, benefits such as self-confidence, discipline, focus, and physical and mental strength become increasingly apparent. Whether your child is brand new to martial arts or an experienced student looking for a challenge, FMAC Fitchburg MA Twin City area offers benefits that extend far beyond the mat.

We are proud to be an extension of the Martial Arts teaching style, more than just an area of training for martial arts. Throughout the years and under the guidance and vision of myself, Len Brassard, the academy has matured into an award-winning and supportive environment for children to learn, grow, and confidently face bigger challenges. 

The place where experienced instructors provide benefits to kids looking to improve themselves, such as developing better self-esteem and physical coordination, by teaching the importance of discipline, respect, and self-confidence, Family Martial Arts Center helps those who need an edge in life and believe in their potential. 

With plenty of classes available for different ages, there’s something suitable for everyone here. Students benefit from increased confidence, more focus on goals, and improved fitness when participating in regular training sessions – making our studio a great place for learning beyond just martial arts.

If you’re considering enrolling your child in Kenpo classes, you’ve made an excellent decision. From physical fitness to emotional growth, there are many benefits that Kenpo can provide to children. So let’s take a closer look at how Kenpo can change your child’s life—and maybe even save it.

 Martial arts are known to provide physical and mental benefits, and Kenpo is no exception. Kenpo—also known as Chinese Kempo—is a martial art that combines techniques from several other martial arts, such as Karate and Kung Fu. The discipline of Kenpo can help your child excel in many areas, such as self-defense, respect, discipline, focus, and confidence. Let’s discuss the various ways Kenpo can impact your child’s future.


Kenpo includes offensive and defensive techniques that will help your child learn to defend themselves from attackers if needed. With the physical skills they learn in Kenpo class, they will be able to protect themselves against any potential threats they may face in their lives. Furthermore, the classes will teach them how to remain calm when faced with danger—an invaluable skill if necessary.

Respect & Discipline

Kenpo teaches the importance of respect for oneself and others and discipline. This is achieved through various exercises in class that require self-control and patience to master—which is also essential for life outside of Kenpo class. Respect and discipline are key values when it comes to building relationships with others at home or school, so having a strong foundation early on can be very beneficial for your child’s social life.

Focus & Confidence

The practice of Kenpo requires extreme focus, which can help increase concentration levels significantly over time. Not only does this benefit academic performance but also everyday tasks like driving or playing sports – activities that require intense focus to ensure success. Additionally, learning martial arts helps build confidence because you become aware of your capabilities, which carry over into all aspects of life.

Physical Fitness with Finesse

First and foremost, Kenpo offers physical fitness benefits. As any parent knows, kids are often reluctant to exercise. Still, Kenpo classes make it fun by teaching movements with practical applications (such as self-defense) and more abstract elements like discipline and focus. Over time, kids learn the basics of Kenpo moves, such as punches and kicks, improving their balance, coordination, and overall fitness. The self-defense aspect is also important; kids need to know how to protect themselves in an attack or other emergencies.

Weight Loss and Esteem Gain

Kenpo is an effective weight loss tool for overweight children. Kids burn calories while learning the basics of self-defense by engaging in regular aerobic activities such as kicking, punching, and jumping jacks during class sessions. This helps them lose weight while learning valuable skills that will stay with them for life. Plus, the confidence they gain from mastering these skills will do wonders for their self-esteem!

Anger Management Skills

Kids who struggle with anger may benefit from taking Kenpo classes as well. The discipline of Kenpo helps teach children how to control their emotions more effectively—by focusing on each move and its proper execution during class time rather than on whatever emotion they may be feeling at the moment. 

This teaches them to take a step back before lashing out in anger or any other emotion when confronted with a difficult situation. Plus the physical activity gives them an outlet for those emotions so they don’t have to bottle them up inside. So, in addition to helping channel emotions more constructively into movement rather than aggression or violence towards others around them or themselves, this type of exercise also releases endorphins which naturally make people feel good.

Kenpo, Kids, and FMAC

Kenpo has many benefits beyond just physical fitness; it helps children develop emotionally and physically by practicing self-control and emotional regulation through movement and better understanding their body language when communicating with others–not just verbally but also non-verbally.

 With its combination of martial arts moves designed to increase strength while providing stress relief along with teaching respect for oneself and others plus lessons on how to defend oneself should danger arise, kenpo offers something truly unique that no other sport can offer.

 If you are a parent looking for ways to help your children become healthy not just physically but mentally too, enrolling.

Call us at 978-342-9911Kenpo classes could be just what they need and what you will want to support them in all the way.