Hallowe’en, Self-Defense, and Other Treats 

Children Doing Trick of Treat

Don't give in to the fright.

A message from Len Brassard :

Hello again. During this visit, we will look ahead and prepare you with added customs you should keep handy for every Halloween season and the after-effects of being a victim of physical, emotional, or psychological attacks.

As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and take extra precautions when out at night. Whether out with your kids, walking through dark streets, or in an unknown neighborhood, self-defense karate tips can help you stay safe. Combined with the safety guidelines below, martial arts self-defense becomes the best way to enjoy the day and night without fright.

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to people and vehicles around you, and if you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and move away from the situation.
  • Take advantage of daylight trick-or-treating events and always go out in groups if possible.
  • If you're out with your kids, ensure they're aware of their surroundings and use visual landmarks as an aid should you become separated. Avoid having your kids carry any sort of personal information that provides access to your home address.
  • Stick as close to home as possible, and if available, have a neighbor you trust to offer a safe spot for your kids to go to if they feel frightened by any potential situation.
  • It's also important to be prepared. Carry a whistle or pepper spray with you; if you're out with your kids, ensure they know how to use it. Carrying a flashlight is also a good idea if you're walking through dark streets or unknown neighborhoods.
  • Be aware of your posture and movements, and be prepared to defend yourself if necessary. This could include using pieces of your costume to help protect yourself; even a good swing of a treat bag can deter any attacker away.
  • Use your voice to draw attention to yourself and yell for help.

The most treasured treat to have in your trick bag.

A multi-level all-age self-defense karate class offered at Brassard's Family Martial Arts Center is a great way to stay safe and learn valuable skills. Not only do we teach you how to defend yourself in a physical altercation, but you gain an opportunity to stay fit and healthy, all in a safe, family-friendly environment. You still have time to learn some basics before hitting the streets for your tricks and treats.

Take back your power.

If you have been a victim of harassment, attempted theft, robbery, or attack, you may still be experiencing shock trauma and exhibiting signs of agoraphobia, mood change, and even finding reasons not to partake in certain normal social activities. You don't have to suffer alone.

Twin City Family Martial Arts Center in the Fitchburg-Leominster area has professional staff, instructors, and peer structure with credentials and empathy to guide you through the process of healing emotionally, mentally, and physically without forcing you out of your comfort zone.

Our access to the dojo is also well-lit, easily accessible, and maintained securely for your added sense of safety within our involved community neighborhood.

Equality in reality

While once thought of as an "a for women only" recovery and protection skill, the reality of today's societal lifestyle sees an equal proportion of men and boys being bullied, a reversion back to racial and bigoted fueled confrontations, high-powered weapons wielded in gang-related incidents and an upsurge in youth-related violent crimes have put everyone on equal footing, making everyone a potential target; or perpetrator.

Infiltrations of criminal activity are now just a click away on internet sites, social media platforms, search tools, computer games, simulated communities, and such. They are readily available to children to the point where an entire generation has grown up, becoming emotionally immune to potential dangers.

Top reasons why learning to avoid a confrontation is beneficial.

While the appeal of learning how to compete, punch, kick, and use weapons is a main drawing factor to enroll in any form of martial arts study, the balance of most of the movements learned is fostered by the tenet and philosophy of "empty hand"; or defense is your best offense.

The art of learning the sport involves dedication, commitment, and patience. Even if you are not in recovery after any sort of threatening experience, a self-defense class is a super addition to know of and adds an extra layer of inner balance and strength.

The list of benefits gained expands into many extensions, including a specific self-defense class where you can:

  • Improve Your Self-Confidence: Taking self-defense karate classes can help you build confidence in yourself and your abilities. Knowing that you can defend yourself in a physical altercation can give you a sense of security and peace of mind.
  • Improve Your Physical Fitness: Self-defense karate classes are a great way to stay fit and healthy. The physical activity involved in karate classes can help you build strength, endurance, and flexibility.
  • Improve Your Mental Focus: Self-defense karate classes can help you develop mental focus and discipline. The physical and mental challenges of karate classes can help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Improve Your Self-Defense Skills: Self-defense karate classes can teach you valuable self-defense skills that can help you stay safe in dangerous situations. You will learn how to defend yourself against attackers and how to use your body to your advantage.
  • Improve Your Stress Relief: Self-defense karate classes can be a great way to relieve stress. The physical activity involved in karate classes can help you release tension and relax.